Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Redman-Malpractice (clean)

one of my favorite emcees and one of his very slept on albums. it had some dope cuts on there.....examples escape me right now, but hey redman always has some cuts filled with blunts and humor. what more could you ask for? would love to get a clean 'muddy waters' for those out there reading.

Redman-Malpractice (clean)


1O1 said...
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1O1 said...

Wuz up? Can you please upload DMX - Grand Champ (Clean), I know it's older, but I really need it, thanks.

Dj Joey Joe said...

Hey 1o1, I got it, I was going to upload High School High next but I'll dig out that "Grand Champ" and upload the clean version of that next.